Showing 4 Result(s)

XR Devzone

The Tobii XR Devzone is a website created by me and my team at Tobii. It was originally intended to be the place to download our XR SDK and for documentation purposes but has grown over the years to be the place where we put most of our public creations. I would say the core …

XR Prototypes

I’ve been working 7+ years exploring XR use cases with eye tracking, creating many prototypes along the way. Many of the prototypes I’ve created are not public and has been used for customer demos. Below you can see some of the ones made public that I have worked on. Social Collaboration The Social Collaboration prototype …

XR Solutions

During my time at Tobii I have been involved in development of several software solutions. Tobii XR SDK A cross-platform SDK focused at helping developers create great experiences in XR using eye tracking. Early on in my career at Tobii I was working in the X-Team (Exploration team in XR) and we explored new use …

XR Demos

I have created several XR demos during my time at Tobii to show-off new interactions and to convince people of the value of eye tracking in XR experiences. Mirrors This was the first demo our team created back in 2016. The goal was to show all the cool use cases you could achieve with eye …