I took this udemy course to learn more about Unreal Engine 5. The course goes through the basics of the game engine, blueprints, C++, animations and much more. It was educative and fun, giving me a good understanding of the basics of Unreal Engine.
The course contains 30 hours of video content guiding you through the creation of 5 different projects. Below I’ve added videos of the result of each project.
Warehouse Wreckage
Project plan
- Playing with Physics
- Spawning projectiles
- Aiming the projectile
- Building a level
- Limiting ammo
Obstacle Assault
Project plan
- Create a project with our assets
- Install the tool we need for C++
- Learn some C++ basics
- Make a platform that moves
- Configure our moving platform
- Send the platform back
- Rotating platforms
Crypt Raider
Project plan
- Create our level design (including lighting)
- Make a “Mover” component for our doors
- Make a “Grabber component for the player
- Call the Grabber functionality from Blueprint
- Create a “Pressure Plate” component
- Tweak and polish
Toon Tanks
Project plan
- Create a Tank that can move throughout the world
- Handle input (WASD movement, mouse clicks)
- Create an enemy Turret class
- Add fire functionality with projectiles
- Add health, damage, and destruction to the game
- Add special effects (smoke, explosions, sounds)
- Add winning/losing conditions with HUD displays
Simple Shooter
Project plan
- Player movement
- Animation
- Shooting Health / Death
- Enemy AI
- Win / Lose conditions
Tools used: Unreal Engine, C++